The Christmas Tree

  1. 5. Oppfinner
  2. 7. The first known woven ... was made by Hans Christian Andersen.
  3. 11. We hang shiny things, glittery ..., and little Santas on them. Likes to chase mice
  4. 12. Merry ... .
  5. 13. Christmas trees has been a part of our ... for a really long time.
  6. 15. At first, people used ... on the trees.but later they switched to safer electric lights.
  7. 16. The idea of decorating trees with ... came from Denmark.
  8. 17. In Ukraine they sometimes cover their Christmas tree in ... webs.
  1. 1. Avis
  2. 2. "It is hard to ... a more beautiful sight".
  3. 3. Snop, godteri
  4. 4. Kunstig
  5. 6. Christmas trees were not ... until the night before Christmas.
  6. 8. On the top of the tree an angel, and later a ... became common.
  7. 9. Prince Albert ... the Christmas tree to Queen Victoria.
  8. 10. Christmas ... , those round balls, started in a German town called Lauscha.
  9. 13. Lenke
  10. 14. According to a ... a poor family could not afford Christmas decorations.