The Cicada and the Ant Myth

  1. 3. Popokorua felt _________ for his friend.
  2. 5. This cicada was singing in the sun.
  3. 8. Popokorua lived ___________ in winter.
  4. 9. The moral of the story is to be __________.
  5. 10. Popokorua thought Kihikihi should __________ food.
  6. 12. Another name for a house.
  1. 1. The season the myth occurs in.
  2. 2. A type of story that might not be true.
  3. 4. This cicada gave good advice.
  4. 6. The weather was _________.
  5. 7. In winter the days are ____________.
  6. 11. Popokorua worked _______ in summer.