The Circuit Chapter 9

  1. 2. Francisco most likely feels ________ about moving.
  2. 4. Most of the workers during the strawberry season were ___________.
  3. 8. The name of Francisco's sixth grade teacher was _______________.
  4. 10. The name of the man who gave the family work was Mr. _____________________.
  5. 12. Francisco __________ the move to Fresno.
  6. 13. At the end of August, the family moved to __________.
  7. 14. Mama's pot had many __________ and nicks.
  8. 16. ____________ would not get to go to school until February.
  9. 18. Francisco and his family worked _________ hours a day.
  10. 19. _________ _______ ___________ is Francisco's favorite meal.
  1. 1. Francisco felt sick after he drank the ___________.
  2. 3. Mr. Lema offered to help teach Francisco how to play the ____________.
  3. 5. The family moved into an old, worn out _____________.
  4. 6. Francisco and Roberto hid from the school __________.
  5. 7. The best picker was from ___________, Mexico.
  6. 8. At the end of the chapter, Francisco finds out the family has to _________ again.
  7. 9. Francisco called Mr. Lema his _________ _____________.
  8. 11. Francisco was able to go back to school in ________________.
  9. 15. The name Papa gave his car was ________________.
  10. 17. ______ was a strawberry sharecropper who didn't smile.