The Civil Rights Movement

  1. 3. Little Rock _____
  2. 6. Bus _____ Boycott
  3. 7. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
  4. 8. In 1963, President _____ proposed the Civil Rights Act
  5. 10. Civil rights minister, activist, and political philosopher
  6. 11. ____ Kennedy protected the Freedom Riders in Alabama during the summer of 1961
  7. 12. ______ vs. Ferguson
  8. 14. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  9. 15. Congress of Racial Equality
  10. 16. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  11. 18. March on _____
  12. 19. Prominent figure in the movement to end racial segregation in public schools who becomes America's first African American Supreme Court Justice
  13. 20. Best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  1. 1. _____ Riders
  2. 2. Watts Race _____
  3. 4. President that signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  4. 5. _____ vs. The Board of Education
  5. 9. American civil rights activist and the NAACP's first field secretary in Mississippi
  6. 13. In 1957, this president signed the first civil rights legislation since Reconstruction
  7. 17. Teenager murdered in Mississippi in 1955
  8. 21. 1951 Moton _____ Walkout