The Civil War Chapters 1-2

  1. 2. an unsettled area, or an area where people do not live
  2. 7. another name for the United States
  3. 9. a way to get from one place to another
  4. 10. the practice of owning people and forcing them to work, often without pay
  5. 13. areas of land
  6. 14. people who were against slavery
  7. 15. the states in the southeastern and south-central part of the United States
  1. 1. all people born around the same time
  2. 3. person or animal in a story
  3. 4. to stay alive
  4. 5. to be forced to work without being paid or having any freedom
  5. 6. the states in the northeastern and north-central part of the United States
  6. 8. things that are wrong and make people suffer
  7. 11. having the power to make your own decisions and to do what you want
  8. 12. ran away from owners