The Civil War

  1. 3. War The war in which the North fought for the freedom of slaves in the southern states of the United States
  2. 4. The number one staple crop produced by the South
  3. 6. Nickname used in the South to call a Union soldier
  4. 7. This source of transportation was a great advantage to the North as it's economy was based on commercial manufacturing.
  5. 9. A person who advocated or supported the abolition of slavery in the United States
  6. 11. The act of withdrawing from an organization, union, military alliance or especially a political entity
  7. 14. State A southern state of the United States in which slavery was legal
  8. 16. E. Lee The General of the Confederate Army
  1. 1. Often referred to as the North and the Federal Government
  2. 2. This side of the United States believed they needed to own slaves to work their crops in order to keep their plantations afloat
  3. 3. The southern soldiers who were also called the rebels
  4. 5. Soldiers or military units that fight on foot, typically with guns and grenades
  5. 8. S. Grant He served as the Commander in Chief for the Union Army. He later served as the 18th president of the United States.
  6. 10. The isolating, closing off, or surrounding of a place, as a port, harbor, or city, by hostile ships or troops to prevent entrance or exit
  7. 12. The act of owning a person to do labor
  8. 13. The side of the United States believed that even if slavery should not be immediately banished, they felt that southern states had absolutely no right to secede and that the Union must be preserved
  9. 15. An act or instance of attacking unexpectedly from a concealed position