The Classic Vampire

  1. 3. (A vampire's target)
  2. 4. (Vampires have no reflection)
  3. 5. (Classic vampire slayer weapon)
  4. 6. (Deadly to vampires)
  5. 8. (A vampire's drink of choice)
  6. 9. (Vampires hate this pungent bulb)
  7. 12. (Dracula's insane servant)
  8. 13. (Where vampires lurk)
  9. 14. (When vampires are most active)
  10. 15. (Sharp teeth used for biting)
  11. 16. (A vampire's dramatic garment)
  12. 17. (Famous victim of Dracula)
  13. 19. (How vampires feed)
  1. 1. (Where a vampire sleeps)
  2. 2. (Actor who played Dracula)
  3. 3. (Region associated with vampires)
  4. 7. (Silent film vampire)
  5. 10. (Religious symbol that repels vampires)
  6. 11. (Typical vampire dwelling)
  7. 18. (Title often given to vampires)