The Cold War

  1. 2. A positive thing that came out of the Cold War that put people on the moon
  2. 4. Trying to keep communism in the countries that already have it and not let it spread to other countries
  3. 6. The two world superpowers competing to have more missiles and bombs than the other
  4. 8. A wall separating East and West Germany
  5. 10. Similar to the Korean war, a country in Asia that wanted independence caused which war
  6. 14. What government did 2nd world countries have
  7. 15. The Soviet Union cut off communication from the rest of the world with what idealistic barrier
  1. 1. Country that was separated into north and south and caused which war
  2. 3. 13 days when the Soviet Union began storing missiles in Cuba
  3. 5. The U.S. and its allies
  4. 7. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  5. 9. What economy did 1st world countries have
  6. 11. After WW2 Germany was divided into...
  7. 12. Neutral countries
  8. 13. The Soviet Union and its allies