The Cold War and the 1950s

  1. 5. The Soviet Union's alliance system, set up in response to the U.S. creating NATO.
  2. 6. The alliance system created by the United States and her allies to oppose the spread of communism.
  3. 8. The concern that if we let one country fall to communism, more would follow.
  4. 10. The U.S. program that offered billions of dollars to rebuild Europe after World War II.
  5. 12. Abbreviation for the committee in the House of Representatives created to hunt for communist spies.
  6. 14. New communication technology that was developed and became popular in teh 1950s.
  1. 1. Commander of U.S. troops in Korea at the beginning of the war.
  2. 2. The U.S. policy to keep communism from spreading outside its borders.
  3. 3. Multinational organization formed after World War II to promote peace and avoid another nuclear war.
  4. 4. Term used to identify the major increase of children born between 1945 and 1965.
  5. 7. The fear of the spread of communism both in the 1920s and the 1950s.
  6. 9. The imaginary line of secrecy and mistrust that separated the USSR and Eastern Europe from the West.
  7. 11. U.S. senator who recklessly and falsely accused many Americans of being communists.
  8. 13. The legislation that provided free education and low interest home loans to returning veteran=s after World War II.