The Cold War

  1. 3. Led a revolution in Cuba
  2. 4. This wall kept people from leaving which city?
  3. 7. His government arrested people who spoke out against communism
  4. 9. Led the UN forces in Korea
  5. 10. Said secret communists worked in the US government
  6. 11. Said Europe was divided by an 'Iron Curtain'
  7. 12. Separated communist and non communist countries in Europe
  8. 13. Ordinary people and businesses control production
  9. 16. Decided to help other countries against communism
  10. 17. The US President who ordered a blockade of Cuba
  1. 1. 16 nations joined to fight but the US sent most troops
  2. 2. Non-communist countries formed an alliance
  3. 5. A war between two countries that could destroy all life
  4. 6. The government controls production and resources
  5. 8. When US and Britain dropped supplies in Berlin
  6. 14. A race between nations to build more powerful weapons
  7. 15. Type of economy which individuals and businesses make most economic decisions