The Coming of the Civil War

  1. 4. Who led the slave rebellion?
  2. 7. Lincoln quoted from the bible what debate?
  3. 9. An abolitionist who began "Bleeding Kansas"
  4. 11. Year of the Wilmot Proviso
  5. 12. Year John Calhoun wrote the nullification theory
  6. 14. American Colonization established Monrovia on the west coast of ______.
  7. 16. Henry Clay makes California a free state and abolishes slavery in the District of Columbia
  8. 17. _______ Nebraska Act.
  1. 1. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote and published this
  2. 2. What got passed in 1787?
  3. 3. Where did James Marshall find gold that sparked mass settlement to th area?
  4. 5. Fredrick Douglas published it
  5. 6. Made it illegal to assist runaway slaves.
  6. 8. Who wrote the Appeal to colored people of the world?
  7. 10. Year of the Election of 1860
  8. 11. Year the American Anti-Slavery is formed
  9. 12. Year of the Missouri Compromise
  10. 13. Year of the Three-Fifths Compromise
  11. 15. The case that was heard by Chief Justice Roger Taney