The Computer Review for pioneers and vocab terms

  1. 4. took part in the realization of the first integrated circuit
  2. 5. system that uses 0 and 1
  3. 7. amplifies a server
  4. 10. best known for inventing the first electronic digital computer
  5. 14. makes data transit over
  6. 17. Is the basis of the internet
  7. 19. a point in a graphic image
  8. 21. game OXO
  9. 23. a chip that contains all the cpu of the computer
  10. 25. Addresses that refer to objects on WWW
  11. 27. is a computer interface that uses windows and icons using the mouse
  12. 33. a disk used to write and read to and from the hard disk
  13. 34. the ​BASIC programming language
  14. 35. Was a part of the team that invented the microproccessor chip
  15. 36. best known for
  16. 37. Used for storing URL's or other info for reading by the camera on a smartphone
  17. 38. invented the ​transistor
  18. 40. a disk used as a computer memory device for computer systems
  19. 41. had the revolutionary concept of making computers as freely available to college students as library books were
  20. 43. Storage a model for data storage
  21. 44. he helped define and develop several widely used technologies, including USB and AGP
  22. 45. He designed the programming of the world's first commercial computer
  23. 46. Invented the printed circuit board
  1. 1. a standardized system for tagging files certain effects like font, color, graphic and hyperlink on
  2. 2. a rigid board that contains electric circuit
  3. 3. one of the inventors of the ​microprocessor
  4. 6. a group of binary digits
  5. 8. computers linked together
  6. 9. he was the first person to imagine computers being able to share information across a network
  7. 11. websites
  8. 12. computer program that transforms source code into programming language
  9. 13. he was a core member of the engineering team that designed the first American electronic computer, the ​ENIAC
  10. 15. programming language
  11. 16. the inventor of the World Wide Web
  12. 18. came together to share knowledge of computers and programming
  13. 20. he invented the first general purpose electronic digital
  14. 22. invented the game Pong.
  15. 24. the "brain of the computer" where calculation takes place
  16. 26. cofounder of ​Ning​, a company that provides a platform for
  17. 28. credited with creating the first graphical
  18. 29. an electronic circuit formed on a small piece of semiconducting material
  19. 30. series of personal computers made by Steve Jobs
  20. 31. computer program that manages a network resource
  21. 32. invented the first commercially successful personal computer in
  22. 39. was a video game inventor
  23. 42. His greatest achievement was the world's first programmable computer
  24. 47. takes data from one computer to another