The Constitution

  1. 4. Every states gets two of these.
  2. 6. Number of years a senator serves.
  3. 7. The highest court in the land.
  4. 8. The 18th Amendment was ______________ by the 21st Amendment.
  5. 9. Type of punishment you are protected from.
  6. 10. The new government had to pay these off.
  7. 13. You have the __________ to bear arms.
  8. 14. Federal govt. officials take an ______________ to defend the constitution.
  9. 18. Branch that enforces the laws.
  10. 20. Plan of government that is written.
  11. 21. Crime committed against your country.
  12. 25. Only federal job that requires you to be natural born.
  13. 26. The 15th amend. protects your right to ________.
  14. 28. A freedom given in the 1st Amendment.
  15. 30. The introduction to the Constitution.
  16. 31. Number of years the President serves.
  17. 33. The number of states that were needed to ratify the const.
  18. 35. What the House and Senate together are called.
  1. 1. The Articles of ______________ were replaced by the Constitution.
  2. 2. Given the right to vote in the 19th Amendment.
  3. 3. Determines the numbers of Representatives for each state.
  4. 5. You have the right to peacefully ______________. Am 1
  5. 6. Number of articles in the constitution.
  6. 11. The constitution has 27 of these.
  7. 12. You have the _________ of religion
  8. 15. The __________ of Representatives.
  9. 16. A person who was naturalized or born in the U.S.
  10. 17. Amendment outlawed alcohol.
  11. 19. Every year the President gives a State of the __________ address.
  12. 22. You cannot own one of these because the 13th amendment.
  13. 23. This amend. allows the people to elect senators.
  14. 24. The minimum voting age.
  15. 27. You are guaranteed a speedy ______________.
  16. 29. You are protected against unreasonable _______________ and seizures.
  17. 30. A freedom given in the 1st Amendment.
  18. 32. The minimum number of Representatives a state can have.
  19. 34. Number of years a representative serves.