The Contender- Mattie Lorenz

  1. 2. the last meal alfred ate with henry
  2. 3. Pearl the person who raised Alfred
  3. 4. alfred's newer friend from boxing
  4. 9. doesn't like alfred, tries to sabotage him
  5. 10. what alfred actually is
  6. 11. protagonist that starts a boxing career
  7. 12. york where alfred lives
  8. 14. what alfred wants to be
  1. 1. alfred's age
  2. 5. the brothers alfred works for
  3. 6. helps out alfred when he boxes
  4. 7. what alfred devoted his time to
  5. 8. where alfred use to go in his free time
  6. 9. donatelli alfred's boxing trainer
  7. 13. alfred's best friend