The Court System

  1. 4. Generally the higher the hierarchy of courts the more __________ the case is. (p22)
  2. 6. These have their own laws and therefore their own unique court system. (p22)
  3. 10. Both _____________ and ___________ ________________ make laws in Australia.(p22)
  4. 12. Laws related to protecting our society from crimes such as murder, theft and assault.(p22)
  5. 13. The most important job of the High Court is to interpret the ____________________. (p23)
  6. 14. This court deals with the most serious criminal and civil cases at the state/territory level. (p24)
  7. 16. This court hears cases relating to both civil and criminal cases in relation to Commonwealth law. (p24)
  8. 17. Title of the person who presides over a criminal or civil case.(p24)
  9. 18. Court in WA that deals with serious/complex criminal cases or medium civil cases. (p24)
  10. 20. This court exists separately to the rest of the court system investigating unexplained deaths. (p24)
  11. 21. Levels of importance.(p22)
  12. 22. Lowest court in the hierarchy. (p24)
  13. 23. The legal system in Australia is called an ______________ _______________ of law.(p22)
  14. 25. Name given to judges and other court officials. (p24)
  15. 26. The highest court in Australian. (p23)
  16. 28. These are rules that everyone must follow everyday in order to keep people safe and maintain social order. (p22)
  1. 1. If a person is not happy with the outcome of their case they can ____________ to a higher court. (p22)
  2. 2. The federal courts of Australia operate under _________________________ laws.(p22)
  3. 3. Laws involving arguments between people - unpaid fines.(p22)
  4. 5. The Federal Circuit Court will hear simply family law cases and civil cases relating to _________________ disputes and _________________ cases. (p24)
  5. 7. The _______________ in power appoints federal judicial officers. (p24)
  6. 8. This would exist without las that function properly. (p22)
  7. 9. The number of judges that sit on the High Court. (p23)
  8. 11. A specialist court relating to cases concerning families. (p24)
  9. 15. Name of one of the most important cases heard in the High Court. (p23)
  10. 16. Relatively new court formed in 1999. (p24)
  11. 19. Name for two opposing sides. (p22)
  12. 24. Throughout a trial the judge/jury needs to remain _____________.(p22)
  13. 27. These apply the laws made in Australia, putting them into practice.(p22)