The Covid-19

  1. 3. isolating yourself after coming from a country or state that has been exposed to the Coronavirus
  2. 4. keeping a safe amount of space between you and another person
  3. 7. a type of microscope used to see the virus or other microorganisms
  4. 11. the recommend amount of distances you should keep from you and someone else.
  5. 12. a term that is classified once an outbreak has spread to each continent.
  6. 13. where the first outbreak occurred
  7. 15. the use of soap and water to remove germs.
  1. 1. used to protect or fight against a diseases
  2. 2. a machine that provides oxygen and helps you breath or breath for you.
  3. 5. a microscopic parasite that can be seen under a electron microscope
  4. 6. the recommend amount of days that you must quarantine if you have traveled out of state or country
  5. 8. the Coronavirus affect what system of the body
  6. 9. a type of virus that affects the respiratory system
  7. 10. a microorganism that can cause a disease
  8. 14. a covering for the face that covers the nose and mouth