The Creation Story, V.2

  1. 3. There was no man to ____ the soil
  2. 4. And closed up its place with ____
  3. 6. The moment you eat of it you are surely ____ to die
  4. 11. So the Lord God formed out of the ground various ____
  5. 13. The Lord God ____ a garden in Eden
  1. 1. The land of ____, where there is gold
  2. 2. A ____ rises in Eden to water the garden
  3. 4. You are ____ to eat from any of the trees of the garden
  4. 5. God...blew into his ____ the breath of life
  5. 7. God made various trees grow that were... good for ____
  6. 8. It is not good for man to be ____
  7. 9. But none proved to be the ____ partner for the man
  8. 10. This one shall be called ____
  9. 12. The Lord God formed man out of the ____