- 6. The only meal that they ate at Thanksgiving.
- 7. A holiday in November that is mentioned in the book.
- 8. This book is called a ______ novel because the narrative is written in poetry.
- 10. Ms. Bell (Their mom) wants Mr. Bell (Their dad) to get a __________ because she is worried about his health.
- 13. A basketball move and the title
- 14. The name of the game they play
- 17. Play hard ________ harder.
- 18. JB is crazy about Miss Sweet ____.
- 20. Siblings that are born on the same day are called this.
- 1. In this book basketball games are split up into not halves but _________.
- 2. Slam ______!
- 3. Ms. Adams and Filthy McNasty's mom are both ___________ of schools.
- 4. Filthy McNasty had to cut his _______.
- 5. Synonym for match and scrimmage
- 9. This is the name for an environment that is scholarly and promotes learning.
- 11. Mr. Bell (their dad) makes them shoot ten ______ throws every night.
- 12. This is in our team name and it is also a part of a basketball court.
- 13. Their dad, Da Man, has a ____________ ring from basketball.
- 15. They like to get donuts at Krispy _______.
- 16. _______ McNasty
- 19. You have to drink this to survive.