THE crossword

  1. 2. you always crave it
  2. 4. the amount of hundreds your computer cost ;)
  3. 8. you are not coming back next year :(
  4. 9. the lung run was BLANK km
  5. 11. you had a weird obsession with her music
  6. 13. you were born here (i believe)
  7. 14. we will start tomorrow
  8. 15. you always on nights out
  9. 16. you are living at this park next year
  10. 17. what we love to do ;)
  11. 21. you are going to come visit me here
  12. 23. your sport
  13. 24. you used to borrow mine
  14. 25. your qt tutor
  15. 27. its BLANK time!!
  16. 28. our street
  17. 30. cutest dog ever
  18. 31. the next BLANK km we will do together
  1. 1. we bonded over this
  2. 3. our favourite bar we never went to
  3. 5. what austin is bringing to your new apartment
  4. 6. what saturday is all about
  5. 7. you love them at work
  6. 10. you had a BLANK infection
  7. 12. what you ate on the bus home form t-zome vibrations
  8. 18. the night bri almost beat up a cab driver
  9. 19. you signed up for a year!!!
  10. 20. your qt sister
  11. 22. lets get one
  12. 24. you didn't want this on your macaroni
  13. 25. what your little room was
  14. 26. your favourite genre of food
  15. 29. york city we are off to here this summer