The Crucifixion, Death and Burial of Jesus

  1. 3. Who gave orders to have the tomb guarded? (Matthew 27:35)
  2. 8. Who said, "Truly, this man was the Son of God"? (Mark 15:39)
  3. 9. Criminal who was set free (Luke 23:15)
  4. 11. Jesus said, "I __________." (John 19:28)
  5. 12. The soldiers cast __________ for Jesus' garments. (Matthew 27:35)
  6. 13. The man who carried the cross of Jesus was from this place. (Matthew 27:32)
  7. 16. The soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a __________. (John 19:34)
  8. 18. Number of criminals who were crucified with Jesus (Matthew 27:38)
  9. 19. Joseph of Arimathea laid the body of Jesus in a new __________. (Matthew 27:57-60)
  10. 20. The sign on the cross read, "This is the King of the __________." (Matthew 27:37)
  11. 21. Pilate prepared a notice written in this language (John 19:19-20)
  12. 22. Those who were crucified with Jesus were called __________. (Luke 23:32)
  13. 24. Who helped Joseph of Arimathea lay the body of Jesus in a tomb? (John 19:39)
  14. 25. This man asked for the body of Jesus; he was from Arimathea. (Matthew 27:57)
  15. 26. Became a friend to Pilate (Luke 23:12)
  16. 30. Miracle on the day Jesus died (Matthew 27:54)
  17. 32. Condition of the sky when Jesus died (Luke 23:44)
  18. 34. Jesus said, "Father, into Thy hands I commit my __________." (Luke 23:46)
  19. 35. Who was commended into the care of John? (John 19:26-27)
  1. 1. The day of the week when Jesus died was __________.
  2. 2. Holy city where the temple is located
  3. 4. Jesus said, "__________ you will be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)
  4. 5. What did the soldiers break to hasten the death of the two criminals? (John 19:31-32)
  5. 6. Pilate used this to wash his hands (Matthew 27:24)
  6. 7. Jesus was offered a drink of __________ mixed with gall. (Matthew 27:34)
  7. 10. The sign on the cross read, "Jesus of Nazareth, the __________ of the Jews." (John 19:19)
  8. 11. Place where the curtain was torn (Matthew 27:45)
  9. 12. Darkness covered the entire __________. (Matthew 27:45)
  10. 13. What was torn in the temple from top to bottom? (Luke 23:45)
  11. 14. These were placed into the hands and feet of Jesus (John 20:25)
  12. 15. Did the soldiers break the legs of Jesus? (John 19:33)
  13. 17. Who set Barabbas free? (Mark 15:15)
  14. 19. Number of hours darkness was over the entire land (Luke 23:44)
  15. 20. Person who took care of Jesus' mother (John 19:26-27)
  16. 23. The chief priests, teachers of the Law, and the elders did this to Jesus. (Matthew 27:41)
  17. 27. Jesus said, "It is __________." (John 19:30)
  18. 28. Person who died to forgive us our sins
  19. 29. The people shouted, "__________ Him!" (Mark 15:13)
  20. 31. Some thought this prophet would save Jesus. (Matthew 27:49)
  21. 33. Who was forced to carry the cross of Jesus? (Matthew 27:32)