The Daily Tunnicliff - Daily Crossword

  1. 3. The _______ hold bones/muscles or muscles/muscles together.
  2. 8. This bone ______ produces blood cells.
  3. 9. The _______ helps transport messages from the nervous system.
  4. 14. This gland controls all other glands, except one.
  5. 16. This gland produces Melatonin, or C₁₃H₁₆N₂O₂.
  6. 18. The pancreas can produce _______ to lower blood sugar.
  7. 19. This organ is made of smooth muscle.
  8. 20. The _______ are tiny air sacs in the lungs.
  1. 1. The _______ gland helps cells use energy and produces T3 an T4.
  2. 2. Your blood contains ______, which helps transport blood cells around the body.
  3. 4. The _______ system removes waste from the body.
  4. 5. This organ is part of the nervous system.
  5. 6. This muscle helps the respiratory system circulate oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  6. 7. These glands produce PTH.
  7. 10. This organ controls the pituitary gland.
  8. 11. The pancreas releases this to raise blood sugar.
  9. 12. The _______ filter out wastes and nutrients.
  10. 13. Released by the liver to help absorb nutrients.
  11. 15. The _______ padding bones keeps them from rubbing together.
  12. 17. This organ is part of two systems.