The Deishers 2023

  1. 3. Country they want to go the most
  2. 5. First National Park together
  3. 8. Where did David propose?
  4. 11. David is currently living in
  5. 12. Chin’s college
  6. 13. Where was their first date?
  7. 14. Month of their anniversary
  8. 17. Chin’s favorite KPOP artist
  9. 18. Chin’s favorite KPOP group
  10. 20. David’s favorite stock
  11. 21. Chin’s hometown
  12. 22. Honeymoon destination
  13. 23. David’s hometown
  1. 1. Chin’s favorite color
  2. 2. David's favorite college football team
  3. 4. David’s college mascot
  4. 6. Company David works for
  5. 7. Nebraska's college team
  6. 9. How many siblings does David have?
  7. 10. David’s favorite NFL team
  8. 11. Chin’s favorite Taylor Swift song
  9. 15. David does not eat
  10. 16. Chin is currently living in
  11. 19. David’s first Filipino dish