The Developing Baby

  1. 3. Development in physical changes that takes place before the baby is born.
  2. 4. Connects the placenta to the developing baby during pregnancy.
  3. 6. Unexpected death of a developing baby after 20 weeks.
  4. 7. Prenatal test that uses sound waves to make an image of the baby.
  5. 9. Birth defect that causes a variety of problems with the motor system.
  6. 11. Developing baby from the 8th or 9th week to birth.
  7. 12. Affects the digestive and respiratory systems.
  8. 14. Prenatal test that uses amniotic fluid.
  9. 15. Unexpected death of a developing baby before 20 weeks.
  10. 16. Problems that babies are born with that will threaten their health.
  11. 17. Tissue that nourishes the baby with food and oxygen.
  12. 19. A fertilized egg.
  1. 1. Fluid that surrounds and protects the developing baby.
  2. 2. Developing baby from the 3rd to 8th week.
  3. 5. Place where baby develops in a woman's body.
  4. 8. Mothers over the age of 35 are at high risk causing this defect.
  5. 10. Male reproduction cell.
  6. 13. The union of sperm and egg.
  7. 18. Gap in the upper lip.