The Development of Feudalism

  1. 10. a knight's code of conduct
  2. 11. work and produce the serf paid the lord
  3. 12. Northmen or Norsemen of Scandinavia who invaded Europe
  4. 13. mock battles
  5. 15. term used to describe the time period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance
  6. 18. term used to describe Europe in the Middle Ages
  7. 19. inherited the right to rule
  1. 1. governments led by a king
  2. 2. knights, kings, dukes, counts, barons and even bishops who had large landed estates and considerable political power
  3. 3. A 14 year-old who looked after his lord's horse, armor and often he accompanied his lord into battle
  4. 4. official ceremony in which a squire became a knight
  5. 5. nobles who served the lord as a mounted soldier in armor
  6. 6. consisted of people who held political, economic and social power
  7. 7. political, economic and social system during the Middle Ages
  8. 8. a 7 year-old boy who was sent to live with another lord or knight for training
  9. 9. feudal farm
  10. 14. land loaned to a vassal by a king
  11. 16. poor peasants
  12. 17. king divided the land among powerful lords