The Respiratory System

  1. 2. The part of the throat that holds the vocal chords.
  2. 4. The airbags where respiration takes place.
  3. 5. Where the trachea splits in two leading oxygen to the lungs.
  4. 6. A tube that follow the buccal nasal cavity to the larynx.
  5. 8. A division of an organ marked by a fissure on the surface.
  6. 10. The release of carbon dioxide from inside the body.
  7. 11. A group of organs that take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
  8. 12. Transporting oxygen from the outside of the body to the inside.
  1. 1. Smaller tubes found inside the lungs.
  2. 3. A dome shaped muscle below the lungs.
  3. 7. The site where gas exchange takes place.
  4. 9. Windpipe, follows the larynx.