The Dog Runner Puzzle

  1. 3. What is the author's first name?
  2. 4. Who has been gone for a year in the story?
  3. 8. What type of bikes did the bikers have to catch the kids?
  4. 12. Where does the story take place?
  5. 13. I got shot by bikers?
  6. 14. What did Ella use on the wall to write where they were going?
  7. 15. A man's best friend.
  8. 18. How did the kid's eat to survive?
  9. 20. What was the country running out of?
  10. 21. What does dad make that is the kids' favorite food?
  1. 1. When does the story take place?
  2. 2. What did the kids avoid?
  3. 5. Where did the kids escape from?
  4. 6. Who are the kids trying to get too?
  5. 7. Who do the kids constantly miss?
  6. 9. What point of view is the story told from?
  7. 10. What happens that makes Ella's mom leave.
  8. 11. What is reunited at the end of the book?
  9. 16. Who is telling the story?
  10. 17. How do the kids travel across the country?
  11. 19. Who is Emery and Ella's favorite dog?