the dream

  1. 3. a building where plays, shows, etc., are performed on a stage
  2. 5. different from what is usual, normal, or expected
  3. 6. a very successful or admired person
  4. 8. the clothes that are worn by someone (such as an actor) who is trying to look like a different person or thing
  1. 1. in a state of sleep, sleeping
  2. 2. a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep
  3. 4. to look very quickly at someone or something (hint:4 word)
  4. 5. the art or profession of acting and especially of acting in theaters
  5. 7. to bend forward at the neck or waist as a formal way of greeting someone or showing respect
  6. 9. a clever and skillful action that someone performs to entertain or amuse people