The Ear

  1. 2. person specialized in hearing impairments
  2. 7. device used to improve hearing
  3. 10. combining form for ear
  4. 13. record of hearing measurement
  5. 15. incision into eardrum
  6. 16. inflammation of internal ear
  7. 18. combing form for hearing
  8. 19. opening between the middle and internal ear
  9. 21. medical term for ringing in the ear
  10. 22. hearing impairment in old age
  11. 23. suffix for a hearing condition
  12. 25. partial or total loss of hearing
  13. 26. medical term for earache
  14. 28. combining form for tube
  1. 1. surgery using a microscope
  2. 3. drug that reduces congestion & swelling of membranes
  3. 4. surgery to correct otosclerosis
  4. 5. bleeding from the ear
  5. 6. large or long ear
  6. 8. waxy substance secreted by ear glands
  7. 9. hardening of bony tissue in the ear
  8. 11. fluid that fills labyrinth of internal ear
  9. 12. inflammation of the eardrum
  10. 13. process of measuring hearing
  11. 14. another word for ear drum
  12. 17. helps to remove excess buildup of wax
  13. 20. medical term for external ear
  14. 22. suffix for surgical repair
  15. 24. medical term for middle ear
  16. 27. instrument used to measure hearing