The Easter Story

  1. 2. Synonym for the part of the temple that was torn in two (Matthew 27:51)
  2. 3. They crucified Him and divided His _____ by casting lots (starts with "G")
  3. 8. This Roman said, "Truly, this was the Son of God." (Mark 15:39)
  4. 9. The soldiers pierced His side with this (John 19:34)
  5. 11. "He is not here. He has _____, just as he said." (Matthew 28:6)
  6. 12. The high priest who said it would be good if one man died for all. (John 18:14)
  7. 13. It means "The place of the skull." (Matthew 27:33)
  8. 17. The Roman governor who washed his hands of the whole affair. (Matthew 27:24)
  9. 19. While he prayed, Jesus' sweat was like great drops of _____. (Luke 22:44)
  10. 20. The disciple that took Mary home as his mother. (John 19:25-27)
  11. 21. Jesus was anointed with perfume in preparation for his (Mark 14:8)
  12. 25. Another name for the place of Jesus' crucifixion, starts with "C"
  13. 26. The ruler of Galilee (begins with "H")
  14. 29. The garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest. (Matthew 26:36)
  15. 31. The apostle who betrayed the Christ (Mark 14:10)
  16. 33. The pharisee that brought spices for Jesus' burial (John 19:39)
  17. 35. Jesus shed his blood so our _____ would be forgiven.
  18. 37. "Father, _____ them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)
  19. 38. This was rolled in front of the tomb and then sealed. (Matthew 27:60)
  20. 39. This apostle denied that he knew Jesus three times (Matthew 26:75)
  21. 41. The Last Supper was a celebration of this Jewish holiday (Luke 22:1)
  22. 42. Joseph took His body down and wrapped it in fine _____ (Mark 15:46)
  23. 43. These guys were crucified on each side of him. Synonym for robbers.
  1. 1. "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all _____." (Mark 16:15)
  2. 2. They gave Jesus this to drink when He was on the cross (Matthew 27:48 - begins with "V")
  3. 4. Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of _____. (Matthew 26:15)
  4. 5. This was written and set over His head: "_____ of the Jews." (Matthew 27:37)
  5. 6. "Why do you look for the _____ among the dead?" (Luke 24:5)
  6. 7. Judas betrayed Jesus with a _____. (Luke 22:47-48)
  7. 10. This was sent to strengthen Jesus when He was praying in the garden. (Luke 22:43)
  8. 14. The doubtful apostle. (John 20:24-29)
  9. 15. "A ghost does not have _____ and bones, as you see I have." (Luke 24:36-39)
  10. 16. It was nine in the morning they _____ Him. (Mark 15:25)
  11. 18. Jesus appeared to two disciples on the way to this village. (Luke 24:13)
  12. 22. They stripped Him, and put a scarlet _____ on Him. (Matthew 27:28)
  13. 23. The prisoner released by Pilate instead of Jesus. (Luke 23:18)
  14. 24. "It is written: 'He was numbered with the ____.;" (Luke 22:37
  15. 27. "At noon, _____ came over the whole land." (Mark 15:33)
  16. 28. The father-in-law to the high priest. Jesus was first brought to him. (John 18:13)
  17. 30. This wealthy man of Arimathea buried Jesus. (Mark 15:43)
  18. 32. Jesus was taken up and a _____ hid Him from their sight. (Acts 1:9)
  19. 34. Jesus appeared first to Mary _____ (Mark 16:9)
  20. 36. Jesus told Peter to feed His _____. (John 21:17)
  21. 40. The "_____ of Blood" was purchased with the betrayal money. (Matthew 27:7-8)