The Effects of Video Games (By Charlie Brunelle)

  1. 3. Many video games can make people more ____. This is especially true in “sandbox games” where you can create almost anything.
  2. 5. True or False - Friendships made online are inferior to those made in person.
  3. 6. Kids who played video games often had less brain activity in sections related to ____
  4. 7. The ____ study compares kids who don’t play video games at all and those who often play 3 hours or more per day.
  5. 8. One of the things that makes video games better at hooking people than movies or books, can be summarized as “discovering new areas”.
  6. 10. People who play video games can have better ____ times.
  7. 12. This is a bonus: The best video game series in my opinion (which is, of course, the correct one)
  8. 15. Game used to test how video games affect old people.
  1. 1. 66% of people say this is what they play video games to do. Similar to relaxing but not exactly the same.
  2. 2. People who play video games are often better at ____ solving because of the puzzles in many games.
  3. 4. It is theorized that 6 across is true because the sections become more ____
  4. 7. You pay it. It is a similar concept to focus, and is impacted positively by playing video games.
  5. 9. People who play video games show scored higher on tests for this disorder, but not enough to make a significant impact.
  6. 11. Sudden urges to do things that video games can help people control.
  7. 13. True or false - Only multiplayer games can lead to friendships.
  8. 14. Positively impacted by video games, and is also the name of a board game where you have to match more tiles than your opponent.