The Elements of Art

  1. 2. Seen by the way light reflects off of a surface
  2. 3. This element has height, width, and depth
  3. 6. The way something looks like it feels
  4. 8. The area around, above, between, inside or below objects
  5. 9. The language used to communicate in art
  6. 13. These kind of shapes are found in nature
  7. 14. The illusion of depth on a 2D surface
  8. 15. An area that has height + width
  1. 1. This kind of space is an area occupied by an object
  2. 4. The way something actually feels
  3. 5. The way something feels or looks like it feels
  4. 7. These kind of shapes are mathematical
  5. 10. The path of a moving point
  6. 11. A gradual change from light to dark
  7. 12. The lightness or darkness of a color