The Endocrine System

  1. 2. One of the three main classes of hormones.
  2. 6. Body response to the "fight or flight" stress.
  3. 8. A hormone often lacking or in excess in diabetes sufferers.
  4. 9. Part of the brain that aligns the nervous system and the endocrine system.
  5. 10. Hormones are released into the .........
  6. 13. Produced in the adrenal medulla.
  7. 14. The organ in which insulin is produced.
  8. 15. Chemical substances that are produced by glands.
  9. 17. Hormones control a wide range of body functions including .....
  1. 1. A system that helps our body cope with different events and stresses.
  2. 3. Hormones are delivered in ....... main classes.
  3. 4. Hormones control this aspect of the body.
  4. 5. Considered the master controller.
  5. 7. A hormone with a long lasting effect that acts on a wide variety of tissues.
  6. 11. These are present on many body cells.
  7. 12. Hormones are important at this specific time.
  8. 16. Another of the three main classes of hormones.