The Energy

  1. 4. sublimation shh jsjsj
  2. 6. opensystem hjak
  3. 9. soundenergyd kksks
  4. 10. energytransfer hchhc
  5. 11. energy jd
  6. 12. conduction jjja
  7. 15. thermalinsulatorshh
  8. 19. energy that you can create
  9. 24. lawofcok kckcl
  10. 26. condensation hhhs
  11. 27. chemical potencial energy
  12. 28. convectionshhd aa
  13. 29. energytransfo ggdhd
  14. 30. kineticenergy kckkc
  15. 31. melting jsjs
  16. 32. nuclearenergy cjjcj
  1. 1. radiantenerg kdlld
  2. 2. deposition bah
  3. 3. radiation jjak
  4. 5. nonrenewabljjcj
  5. 7. closedsystem jjsj hgsggs ggs
  6. 8. temperature kkckkc
  7. 13. action to do something
  8. 14. wave hdh jjdjd
  9. 16. freezing s hjajja
  10. 17. heatskk
  11. 18. when hgjd kshdh
  12. 20. mechanica lenergy
  13. 21. condutor of thermal energy
  14. 22. thermal energjc
  15. 23. potencial energy
  16. 25. electric energy xj kkx