The Enlightenment

  1. 2. a french philospher that i dont know about
  2. 4. despot a form of absoulte monarchy that accepted enligthenment ideas
  3. 6. faire a policy that allows businesses to operate with very little interference from the government
  4. 8. Locke English philiospher that argued that people were good and theorized natural right,he rejected absolute monarchys
  5. 11. II austrian monarch that traveled in disguise among his subjects to learn of their problems
  6. 13. a period of time in which people applied reasons to everyday things and started thinking 4 themselves
  7. 14. contract an agreement made by people to give up their freedom in exchange for an organized society
  8. 16. Madison 4th president sometimes refered to as the father of the constituon,something seperation of powers
  9. 18. suppresion of the public speech or other public communication,which was done by burning and banning books as well as jailing others in the enlightment age
  10. 21. a period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail
  1. 1. the Great russian monarch that aboloished tortue
  2. 3. Rousseau french philospher who is often referred to as the father of the french revolutionan wrote the book:The Social Contract
  3. 5. french enlightenment thinker
  4. 7. the Great Prussian monarch that allowed free press and urged religious tolerance
  5. 9. informal social gatherings
  6. 10. french thinker who developed the ideas of seperation of powers,checks and balances and minority rights
  7. 12. a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.
  8. 15. smith Scottish philospher who focused on using natural law to reform the economy and urged the policy of laissez faire
  9. 17. hobbes english enlightment thinker who argued that people were cruel and selfish by nature and needed to be controlled by an absolute monarchy
  10. 19. law-rules that govern natural forces such as gravity
  11. 20. style of composition arising in 18th-century France, often viewed as an extension of the baroque, and characterized by a high degree of ornamentation and lightness of expression.