The Enlightenment

  1. 4. there were ___________ at work in Europe.
  2. 6. moved easily in these aristocratic circles.
  3. 9. the earth rotates on its axis beneath the unmoving sun.
  4. 12. of sedition or blasphemy quickly found themselves imprisoned.
  5. 14. ____ and communication improved during the renaissance.
  6. 15. and catholics denounced each other as followers of satan.
  7. 17. the goal of the ________ humanists was to recapture some of the pride, breadth of spirit, and creativity of the ancient greek and romans.
  8. 19. the despotism of ______ exercising far greater powers than any medieval king.
  9. 20. in Italy and France a group of thinkers.
  1. 1. whether pamphlets or scholary volumes were subject to prior censorship by both church and state, oftern working hand in hand.
  2. 2. their principal targets were ____
  3. 3. sooner or later many eurppeans would begin to weary of the _______ and warfare carried out in the name of the absolute truth.
  4. 5. developed the belief that tradition could and should be used to promote change.
  5. 7. were painfully aware that they were paying taxes.
  6. 8. was torn by which-hunts and wars of religion, and imperial conquest.
  7. 10. it was among those very idle ______ that the french enlightenment philosophers were to find some of their earliest and most enthusiastic follwers.
  8. 11. which tried to challenge the twin authorities of church and state banned.
  9. 13. begun to move from rural estates to the towns in search of increased freedom and prosperity.
  10. 16. europeans were _______ but europes institutions were not keeping pace with that change.
  11. 18. frequently refered to as "doctors'.