- 3. The author describes Jess’s intense thirst by adding the detail of her tongue being swollen and _________ dry. P. 80
- 5. Jess felt as if she had crash-landed on a distant _________, a smoking, ash-covered land. P. 79
- 7. Jess and her Mom were working nonstop all weekend to get the apartment ready for ________. P. 86
- 9. For a moment, Jess let her eyes drift closed. She had the feeling of letting go, of ________ away. P. 82
- 10. Jess realized that Sam and Eddie were her best friends. She pictured their _________ faces and remembered how they hardly left her side in those terrible months after her Dad died. P. 81
- 13. This word means, “an electronic device for amplifying the sound of the voice so it can be heard at a distance; a megaphone.” P. 84
- 14. This word means, “moving back and forth with an irregular, rapid, or violent action,” and describes the cloud above the volcano. P. 81
- 15. Jess and her Mom had moved to ________, Washington. P. 87
- 17. When Jess was fighting off the terrifying thoughts, she tried to hear Mom’s voice, “Whatever ______, you and I will make it through.” P. 81
- 20. The wind from the helicopter’s ________ kicked up so much ash that Jess could barely see. P. 84
- 22. This is a multi-meaning word that means “grooming or untangling the hair” and “searching carefully and systematically.” P. 85
- 23. This word means “a sick feeling in the stomach that may lead to vomiting” and describes Jess’s feeling when she thought of swallowing the stinky water, ashy water. P 80
- 25. Jess removed her ________ because it was so hot that her clothes were sticking to her sweat-soaked skin.” P. 80
- 27. This word relates to a sensation of pain that occurs in rhythmic waves or bursts. It can be described as a recurring ache, or a pulsing or beating pain. P. 80
- 30. This word means, “a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.” P. 88
- 32. Jess probably wished for Chapstick when her lips were ________ and bleeding. P. 80
- 33. Jess realized she was completely lost and was afraid that she might be walking in ________. P. 82
- 34. Mom disagreed that the camera was Jess’s Dad’s _________ possession. Jess’s Mom said that Jess was her Dad’s _______ possession. P. 87
- 1. From the helicopter, it was almost ______ to see anything because the air was filled with smoke and the trees were covered with ash. P. 85
- 2. Jess was probably very grateful for the thermos of ______ that the man in the vest gave her, while on the helicopter. P. 85
- 4. Jess was confused about which direction to go for help. The trail was gone. Nothing looked _______. P. 79
- 6. This compound word means, “an area that is devastated, as by flood, storm, or war.” P. 84
- 8. Mount St. Helens was more explosive than Mt. Pelée, which means it erupted with terrible ________, as Dr. Morales predicted. P. 88-89.
- 11. Millions of tons of rock and ice and volcanic _________ crashed down the mountain. P. 89
- 12. After unsuccessful attempts to get the attention of the helicopter pilot, Jess created a smoke _______ with a leaf-covered stick. P. 83
- 13. Did Jess drop her sweatshirt over a _________ to leave it as a “landmark” so she’d be able to find her way back? P. 80 (*landmark: an object that is easily seen that enables someone to establish their location)
- 16. On Jess’s camping trips with Dad, they’d scooped up water right from the streams and _______ it down without a worry. P. 80
- 18. Jess wanted to write to Missy to tell her that Skeleton Woman really did ________, in a way. P. 89
- 19. As a mudslide swept down the mountain, it picked up trees, logs, _______, houses and bridges. P. 89
- 21. Jess ________ the pain, the intense thirst and the volcano’s roar. P. 81
- 24. Jess would’ve used the sun as a _______, like her Dad taught her, but the sun was blotted out by the ash and smoke. P 79
- 26. Early in the morning of Sunday, May 18, 1980, the forest had been ________ with creeks filled with clear rushing water. P. 80
- 27. Some onomatopoeias that the author uses are boom, whoosh, and “_________,” a word that represents the swirling blades of the helicopter. P. 82-83
- 28. While aboard the helicopter, Jess was given earphones to _______ her ears from the engine noise. P. 85
- 29. Sadly, fifty-seven people died in the eruption. Some were killed instantly in the pyroclastic surge and blast. Others died in the floods and _______ that followed hours later. P. 88
- 31. Like many of the ________, Dr. Morales blamed himself for not being able to better predict the eruption. P. 88