The Evolution of Law

  1. 4. This ensures that everyone under the law is equal
  2. 7. Criminal sentence focused on punishment
  3. 9. Sets the rules for relationships between individuals
  4. 11. A set of written laws
  5. 12. Criminal Sentence focused on restoring or paying back victims
  6. 13. First example of true democracy
  1. 1. Also know as The Great Charter
  2. 2. Laws that set up a procedure or enforce the law
  3. 3. Accused was put through a test to determine guilt or innocence
  4. 5. Laws that prohibit an action
  5. 6. Given to the Hebrew people from god
  6. 8. A bill is formed and introduced by a member of parliament
  7. 10. Nobles acted as judges for legal issues on their estate