The Exodus (NKJV)

  1. 2. "Take for yourselves handfuls of _________from the furnace..." (Exodus 9)
  2. 4. Moses' mother took and ark of ____________ for him...
  3. 7. "...There will be a severe ________." (Exodus 9)
  4. 9. And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, '__ ___ has sent me to you.'"(Exodus 3)
  5. 11. The Lord said: "I have seen the ___________ of My people who are in Egypt. (Exodus 3)
  6. 14. Pharaoh commanded "every son is born you shall _________ into the river..."(Exodus 1)
  7. 15. "I have also established My ___________ with them..."(Exodus 6)
  8. 17. Where the blood of the lamb was to be put as a sign. (Exodus 12)
  9. 19. "Pharaoh's heart is __________... (Exodus 7)
  10. 20. 'And they shall cover the face of the earth...and they shall eat the ________ of what is left..." (Exodus 10)
  11. 21. Moses' name means "Because I drew him out of the ____________."(Exodus 2)
  12. 22. 'Let My people go, that they may hold a ________ to Me in the wilderness.'(Exodus 5)
  1. 1. "Stretch out your hand....on man, on _______, and on every herb...(Exodus 9)
  2. 3. "...I will ________ all your territory with frogs." (Exodus 8)
  3. 5. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is _____ ________.(Exodus 3)3
  4. 6. "...shall be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in _________ of wood..." (Exodus 7)
  5. 8. The time the Lord says he will go out into the midst of Egypt. (Exodus 11 & 12)
  6. 10. 'Thus says the Lord: Israel is My son, My __________.'(Exodus 4)
  7. 12. "I do not know the ______, nor will I let Israel go."(Exodus 5)
  8. 13. Moses hand was this when he put it to his bosom as God commanded.(Exodus 4)
  9. 16. 'Stretch out your rod, and strike the _____ of the land..." (Exodus 8)
  10. 18. "...I will send _________ of flies..." (Exodus 8)
  11. 22. "Get away from me! Take heed to yourself and see my _____ no more!" (Exodus 10)