The Exodus (NKJV)

  1. 5. Pharaoh commanded "every son is born you shall _________ into the river..."(Exodus 1)
  2. 7. 'Let My people go, that they may hold a ________ to Me in the wilderness.'(Exodus 5)
  3. 9. "...I will ________ all your territory with frogs." (Exodus 8)
  4. 10. "...There will be a severe ________." (Exodus 9)
  5. 12. The time the Lord says he will go out into the midst of Egypt. (Exodus 11 & 12)
  6. 14. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is _____ ________.(Exodus 3)3
  7. 16. "I do not know the ______, nor will I let Israel go."(Exodus 5)
  8. 19. "...shall be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in _________ of wood..." (Exodus 7)
  9. 21. Moses' name means "Because I drew him out of the ____________."(Exodus 2)
  10. 22. "Take for yourselves handfuls of _________from the furnace..." (Exodus 9)
  1. 1. "Stretch out your hand....on man, on _______, and on every herb...(Exodus 9)
  2. 2. Where the blood of the lamb was to be put as a sign. (Exodus 12)
  3. 3. Moses' mother took and ark of ____________ for him...
  4. 4. "Get away from me! Take heed to yourself and see my _____ no more!" (Exodus 10)
  5. 6. The Lord said: "I have seen the ___________ of My people who are in Egypt. (Exodus 3)
  6. 7. 'Thus says the Lord: Israel is My son, My __________.'(Exodus 4)
  7. 8. "I have also established My ___________ with them..."(Exodus 6)
  8. 11. 'And they shall cover the face of the earth...and they shall eat the ________ of what is left..." (Exodus 10)
  9. 13. And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, '__ ___ has sent me to you.'"(Exodus 3)
  10. 15. Moses hand was this when he put it to his bosom as God commanded.(Exodus 4)
  11. 17. 'Stretch out your rod, and strike the _____ of the land..." (Exodus 8)
  12. 18. "Pharaoh's heart is __________... (Exodus 7)
  13. 20. "...I will send _________ of flies..." (Exodus 8)