The Eye of Minds Crossword

  1. 2. Holy
  2. 5. To shake
  3. 9. Insanity
  4. 11. Being unaware
  5. 12. Another word for "tilted"
  6. 13. Mobile devices in the universe of "The Eye of Minds"
  7. 14. A line that touches a curved surface only once
  1. 1. Another word for "death"
  2. 3. Micheal's original ultimate goal
  3. 4. An advanced AI whose only purpose and goal is to destroy players
  4. 6. To walk slowly and heavily
  5. 7. The realization of an algorithm; to put in
  6. 8. The "digital secret service" in "The Eye of Minds" universe
  7. 10. The product of mass times velocity
  8. 11. Another word for supervisor