  1. 2. Major cause of many eye conditions
  2. 4. A very murky M&M
  3. 6. Can't close eye without it
  4. 7. Ugly but harmless, unless...
  5. 8. Joins lens to ciliary body
  6. 11. When the lens changes shape to focus
  7. 13. Where cornea meets sclera
  8. 16. Eyelashes become a problem here
  9. 17. Image falls short of the mark
  10. 18. Outer white tough layer
  11. 20. Leading cause of eye disease in western world
  12. 22. Number of chambers to fill
  13. 23. Feeds the outer third of the retina
  14. 24. Not good in the dark but likes colour
  1. 1. nerve Link between brain and eye
  2. 3. The pressure is too much
  3. 5. Occurs when the cornea is a funny shape
  4. 9. Clear outer and protective (sometimes red eye)
  5. 10. Most like jelly
  6. 12. Makes aqueous
  7. 14. What type of organ is it?
  8. 15. Droopy lid
  9. 19. Home to the rods and cones
  10. 21. 90% of the cornea