The Fall

  1. 5. “He will _____ your head, and you will _______ his heel.” (5,6)
  2. 8. What would the serpent eat all the days of its life? (4)
  3. 10. What did God not want to allow man to be able to eat from? (4,2,4)
  4. 13. What did God make garments from before sending Adam and Eve out? (4)
  5. 14. What would be painful for the woman? (12)
  6. 15. Where in the garden was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? (6)
  7. 16. Who did Eve blame? (5)
  8. 17. “Have you eaten from the tree that I __________ you not to eat from?” (9)
  9. 18. The fruit was desirable for gaining _________. (6)
  1. 1. Not only could Adam and Eve not eat from the tree, they could not ______ it. (5)
  2. 2. Which side of the Garden of Eden was guarded by a cherubim? (4)
  3. 3. How was the serpent described? (6)
  4. 4. What did Adam and Eve use to make coverings for themselves? (3,6)
  5. 6. What would the ground produce? (6,8)
  6. 7. Who would woman desire? (7)
  7. 9. Other than a cherubim, what was guarding the Garden of Eden? (7,5)
  8. 11. What did God put between the serpent and woman? (6)
  9. 12. Adam said he was afraid because he was ________. (5)
  10. 14. What happened to the ground man would have to work? (6)
  11. 18. Who did Adam blame? (5)