- 3. How was the serpent described? (6)
- 5. “He will _____ your head, and you will _______ his heel.” (5,6)
- 6. The fruit was desirable for gaining _________. (6)
- 11. Other than a cherubim, what was guarding the Garden of Eden? (7,5)
- 12. Who did Eve blame? (5)
- 14. What happened to the ground man would have to work? (6)
- 18. What would the ground produce? (6,8)
- 19. What did Adam and Eve use to make coverings for themselves? (3,6)
- 1. Adam said he was afraid because he was ________. (5)
- 2. Who would woman desire? (7)
- 3. What would be painful for the woman? (12)
- 4. Where in the garden was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? (6)
- 7. Which side of the Garden of Eden was guarded by a cherubim? (4)
- 8. What did God put between the serpent and woman? (6)
- 9. “Have you eaten from the tree that I __________ you not to eat from?” (9)
- 10. Not only could Adam and Eve not eat from the tree, they could not ______ it. (5)
- 13. What did God not want to allow man to be able to eat from? (4,2,4)
- 15. What did God make garments from before sending Adam and Eve out? (4)
- 16. What would the serpent eat all the days of its life? (4)
- 17. Who did Adam blame? (5)