The Farm

  1. 4. this looks like a person and is placed in a garden
  2. 8. a place to get water
  3. 9. where trees with fruit grow
  4. 10. we put this on a horse so we can ride
  5. 13. something we put on plants to help them grow
  6. 15. a place to keep animals on the farm
  7. 16. something we put on plants to kill bugs
  8. 17. the process of moving water from one to another
  1. 1. any kind of product made from milk
  2. 2. where a cow eats grass
  3. 3. a special place to grow vegetables all year round
  4. 5. unwanted plants in a garden
  5. 6. a large open area for farming or sports
  6. 7. the fruits and vegetables growing on the farm
  7. 11. this is the business of farming
  8. 12. a place for horses to live
  9. 14. the place a farmer gets honey