The Federalist Era

  1. 3. Treaty with England that didn't end impressment and wasn't popular.
  2. 5. Favoring on faction over another.
  3. 6. Jefferson and Madison led this political party which liked limited government.
  4. 12. Department heads who serve as advisors to the president.
  5. 13. Miami Chief
  6. 14. Adams and Hamilton led this political party which favored a strong federal government.
  7. 16. Established three levels of federal courts and defined their powers.
  8. 17. John Adams' Vice President
  9. 18. protested the tax on American-made whiskey.
  10. 19. Statements made by Virginia and Kentucky suggesting states could nullify rules they felt were unconstitutional.
  11. 20. Where Anthony Wayne defeated Native Americans leading to the Treaty of Greenville.
  1. 1. French diplomats demand a bribe just to talk.
  2. 2. Belief that states gave federal government its' power.
  3. 4. Washington's policy to stay out of other countries conflicts or entanglements.
  4. 5. Popular treaty re-opened the Mississippi and settled the border with Spain.
  5. 7. Things Washington did that became examples for other to follow.
  6. 8. Washington warned people about political factions and foreign entanglements.
  7. 9. The concept that a state can repeal or overturn laws they feel are unconstitutional.
  8. 10. Secretary of the Treasury with plan to repay debts.
  9. 11. Taking Americans and making them serve in the Royal Navy.
  10. 15. Second President of the United States