- 5. Large arch of rich, or fertile, farmland that extents to the Mediterranean sea
- 8. hierarchy The division of society by rank or class
- 10. an arrangement which workers specialize their jobs
- 13. Persian emperor, he created the Persian Empire by conquering west of southwest Asia
- 14. an organized society within a specific area
- 1. the son of Darius, he led the Persians against the Greeks in the Battle of Salamis, which ended the Persian wars
- 2. a ruler of a kingdom or empire
- 3. a wheeled- horse drawn cart used in battle
- 4. a city area
- 6. Chaldean king, he rebuilt Babylon into into a beautiful city, which featured the famed hanging Gardens
- 7. the worship of many gods
- 9. a political unit consisting or a city and all the countryside around it
- 11. countryside area
- 12. Wars a series or wars between Persia and Greece