The First Civilizations

  1. 3. Meaning time before written records were made
  2. 5. One of the first systems of writing
  3. 6. Those who picked berries, nuts, seeds and water
  4. 8. Beliefs that involve moral codes of behavior
  5. 10. Location of first civilization in China
  6. 11. Having more food than you need
  7. 13. tool used to bring water to irrigation system in Egypt
  8. 14. subject of early cave paintings
  9. 15. Meaning good land for farming
  10. 18. Training of animals for personal use
  11. 20. River along which civilization began in India
  12. 21. One of the first civilizations
  13. 22. Location from where first modern humans emerged
  14. 23. Made it easier to move heavy things distances
  15. 24. Means farming
  16. 26. System of farming by digging steps into mountains
  1. 1. Ruler who created law code of 282 harsh laws
  2. 2. Bones used to tell the future in ancient China
  3. 4. Method used to acquire meat in the Old Stone Age
  4. 7. Becoming an expert in a specific skill
  5. 9. Word for "New Stone Age"
  6. 12. Material used by Paleolithic people to make tools
  7. 16. Geographic feature where first settlements were
  8. 17. Word for "Old Stone Age"
  9. 19. Traveling from place to place to find resources
  10. 20. System developed by Sumerians to water crops
  11. 25. Enabled early humans to organize and make plans