the First World War/ WWI

  1. 3. president during the First World War
  2. 5. the number of points Wilson made in advocating for the creation of the League of Nations
  3. 8. over one million U.S. troops sent to fight on the Western Front in 1918
  4. 10. established limits to Free Speech in cases where words would create 'clear and present danger'
  5. 11. German submarines
  6. 16. required young men above age 18 to register for the draft
  7. 18. British passenger ship sunk by U-boats, over 1,000 passengers died including 128 Americans
  8. 20. American battle of WWI that created a hole in the German lines, over 1.2 million American troops participated in the offensive
  9. 21. automatic firearm that resulted in massive amounts of casualties when crossing no-man's land
  10. 22. type of warfare that U-boats engage in
  11. 24. German pledge to not sink ocean liners without prior warning or without providing help to passangers
  1. 1. General of the AEF in WWI
  2. 2. The principle reason for the United States' entry into the First World War
  3. 4. first regiment of Black soldiers in the AEF, they spent more time on the frontlines than any other American regiment, winning them acclaim from the French
  4. 6. payments made by the losing side after a war
  5. 7. predecessor to the United Nations and an attempted to replace the Concert of Europe, meant to stop another world war
  6. 9. artillery tactic of slowly increasing the distance of artillery strikes to give advancing infantry cover in no mans's land
  7. 12. German message to Mexican ambassador advocating for an alliance between the two nations
  8. 13. American policy of separating themselves from other countries' affairs
  9. 14. Archduke of Austria whose assassination by Serbian rebels started WWI
  10. 15. weapons that used chlorine and Zyklon B to kill soldiers in trenches
  11. 17. Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Relations that led the effort against ratifying the League of Nations and Versailles Treaty
  12. 19. Treaty that ended WWI
  13. 23. type of stagnant warfare where troops dig into their positions to protect themselves from machine guns and artillery