The French Revolution

  1. 1. right to vote
  2. 4. leader of the committee of publicsafety
  3. 7. beheading device
  4. 11. queen
  5. 13. stepped down
  6. 15. where napoleon was born
  7. 18. retreated with 10,000 survivors
  8. 19. yes/ no vote
  9. 20. wrote declaration of the rights ofwomen
  10. 21. one of the two bad kings
  11. 22. defended freedom of speech
  12. 23. group of advisors
  13. 24. lovers of wisdom
  1. 2. used "scorched earth" tactic
  2. 3. strong pride in ones country
  3. 5. greedy
  4. 6. king
  5. 7. hit and run raids
  6. 8. 400,000 men who attacked Russia
  7. 9. where napoleon was finally defeated
  8. 10. 40,000 executed in 1 year
  9. 12. age of reason
  10. 14. took away womens rights
  11. 16. made himself emperor
  12. 17. great