The French Revolution/ Napoleon

  1. 1. The ruler at the beginning of the French Revolution
  2. 6. Composed of representatives from the three orders of French society. The meeting occurred at Versailles on May 5, 1789
  3. 11. A government determined solely by the ruler. At the time, it was Louis XVI. This monarchy caused various financial crises.
  4. 12. The deputies of the third estate swore in a tennis court that they would continue to meet until they had produced a French constitution
  5. 14. A sudden overthrow of the government in 1799, led by Napoleon Bonaparte
  6. 15. A leader of the Committee of Public Safety. He calls for liberty, equality, and fertility.
  7. 17. Middle Class, part of the third estate
  8. 18. A machine that was said to kill quickly and humanely.
  9. 19. The man who seizes control of the government and takes complete control by leading the Coup d'Etat
  10. 20. The 130,000 people in the first estate who were exempt from taxes
  1. 2. The palace for Louis XVI, 12 miles outside of Paris
  2. 3. From a list of 500, the Council of Elders elected five directors to act as the executive committee, or directory. The Directory, with the legislature, ruled
  3. 4. People like Robespierre, Danton, and Marat who were members of the Committee of Public Safety. They dominated a new government called the National Convention
  4. 5. Document inspired by the American Declaration of Independence, proclaiming equal rights and freedom for all men
  5. 7. Class structure of French society before the revolution.
  6. 8. The capital of France, where Louis XVI and his wife are basically prisoners after the women attacked them at Versailles
  7. 9. An effort set by the Committee of Public Safety to prosecute internal enemies of the revolutionary republic
  8. 10. The wife of Louis XVI, who continued spending money during an economic crisis
  9. 13. An 18th century philosophical movement of intellectuals who were greatly impressed with the achievements of the Scientific Revolution
  10. 16. An armory and prison in Paris that was dismantled by a mob of Parisians for weapons.